2010년 2월 17일 수요일

메모리 leaks


수많은 메모리 leaks


버전이 다른 DLL을 참조함으로 생기는 leaks 란다.


The most common case is mixing ANSI (MFC4xd.DLL) and UNICODE (MFC4xxUd.DLL) versions of MFC in the same process. This can also occur when mixing MFC42d.DLL and MFC40d.DLL.


그냥 무시하란다..


Memory leaks are reported when you use multiple MFC DLLs


   a CDynLinkLibrary object at $00410F70, 64 bytes long
   a CDynLinkLibrary object at $00410F70, 64 bytes long
   {38} client block at 0x00410D80, subtype 0, 64 bytes long.
   a CDynLinkLibrary object at $00410D80, 64 bytes long
   a CDynLinkLibrary object at $00410D80, 64 bytes long
   {36} client block at 0x00410C60, subtype 0, 64 bytes long.
   a CDynLinkLibrary object at $00410C60, 64 bytes long
   a CDynLinkLibrary object at $00410C60, 64 bytes long


다름을 이용해서 메모리를 잡으란다.

아래 Trace 다음에 나오는 것만 잡으면 된단다..


   int CTestDllApp::ExitInstance()
      TRACE(_T("ExitInstance() for regular DLL: TESTDLL\n"));

      return CWinApp::ExitInstance();


출처 : http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B167929

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